As a quantum computing evangelist, I believe that quantum computing is the future and the country that takes the lead in quantum information systems will have technological and economic advantages over other countries for the next half century. In this blog post, I will explain why quantum computing is the future and why it is important for countries to invest in this technology.

As a quantum computing evangelist, I believe that quantum computing is the future. Quantum computing is not just a looming threat to national security, but rather a technological advancement that will revolutionize the way we process information. Quantum computing is much faster and more powerful than classical computing, and can solve complex problems that classical computers cannot. The country that takes the lead in quantum information systems will have technological and economic advantages over other countries for the next half century. Quantum computing can be used for a variety of applications, such as cryptography, drug discovery, and financial modeling. Countries that invest in quantum computing will be able to develop new technologies and products that will give them a competitive edge in the global market. The United States is falling behind in the race to develop quantum computing technology. China has made significant investments in quantum computing and is rapidly catching up to the United States. It is important for the United States and other countries to invest in quantum computing in order to maintain their technological and economic competitiveness. The future belongs to those who invest in quantum computing, and countries that fail to do so will be left behind.