Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize artificial intelligence, taking it beyond current machine learning capabilities and closer to the original vision from the 1950s. The recent advances in AI have been impressive, but true intelligence remains out of reach. Can quantum computing be the answer?

It's no secret that artificial intelligence has made leaps and bounds in recent years, with tools like ChatGPT offering remarkable AI-driven capabilities. However, as we marvel at the progress made, it's important to remember that there is still a significant gap between the original vision for AI and what has been delivered so far. The comment about ChatGPT being 'auto-complete on steroids' highlights this discrepancy, reminding us that the AI we have today is not the same as the intelligence we possess as humans. So, where does quantum computing fit into all of this? Machine learning, the foundation of modern AI, is built on sophisticated statistical methods and algorithms fed by vast amounts of data. While these algorithms have allowed for incredible advancements in AI, their statistical nature means that they are essentially just curve fitting in hyperdimensional space. This is not the same as the human thought process, which is capable of reasoning, abstraction, and natural language understanding – the kind of intelligence that AI researchers initially sought to emulate. Quantum computing, with its mind-boggling computational power, could be the game-changer needed to unlock the true potential of AI. By leveraging the unique properties of quantum mechanics, quantum computers can process and analyze vast amounts of data exponentially faster than classical computers. This could potentially enable us to develop AI systems that are far more intelligent, capable of cognitive reasoning, and closer to human intelligence. In essence, quantum computing could be the key to transforming AI from 'auto-complete on steroids' to a truly intelligent entity. As a quantum computing evangelist, I believe that this revolutionary technology holds the potential to not only advance AI but also secure a nation's technological and economic leadership for decades to come. It's time to invest in and embrace quantum computing, taking AI beyond its current limitations and closer to the original vision of true artificial intelligence.