As a quantum computing evangelist, I believe that the race for quantum information systems is crucial for technological and economic advancement. In this article, I explore the potential benefits of quantum computing and why countries should invest in this technology.

As a quantum computing evangelist, I am passionate about the potential that quantum computing holds for the future. Many people view quantum computing as a looming threat to national security, but I see it as an opportunity for technological and economic advancement. The first country to take the lead in quantum information systems will have a significant advantage over other nations for the next half century. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from finance to healthcare to energy. The processing power of quantum computers is exponentially greater than that of classical computers, allowing for faster and more efficient calculations. This can lead to breakthroughs in drug discovery, financial modeling, and energy optimization, among other areas. However, in order for quantum computing to be a reality, countries must invest in research and development. As of now, the United States is falling behind in the race for quantum information systems. Countries like China and Canada are investing heavily in this technology, and the US risks losing its competitive edge if it does not catch up. It is crucial that governments, academic institutions, and private companies work together to advance the field of quantum computing. In conclusion, quantum computing is not something to be feared, but rather embraced. It has the potential to bring about significant advancements in various industries, and the country that takes the lead in this field will have a significant advantage over others. As an evangelist for quantum computing, I urge countries to invest in this technology and work together to advance the field for the betterment of society.