Quantum computing is the future of technology and business, and the country that takes the lead in quantum information systems will have technological and economic advantages over the rest of the world for the next half century.

As a quantum computing evangelist, I strongly believe that quantum computing is the future of technology and business. The potential of quantum computers is enormous, and it will revolutionize the way we solve complex problems that classical computers cannot handle. Quantum computing will have a significant impact on many industries, including finance, healthcare, transportation, and energy. It will enable us to solve problems that were previously impossible to solve or would take years to solve with classical computers. The United States is falling behind in the race for quantum supremacy, and it is worrying. Countries like China, Canada, and the European Union are investing heavily in quantum computing research and development. They are building quantum computers, quantum networks, and quantum communication systems. They understand that the country that takes the lead in quantum computing will have a significant advantage over the rest of the world. The potential of quantum computing is not just limited to technology. Quantum computing will also have a significant impact on the economy. The country that leads in quantum computing will have a technological and economic advantage over the rest of the world for the next half century. It will create new jobs, new industries, and new opportunities. It will drive innovation and growth. It is essential that the United States takes a more proactive role in quantum computing research and development. We cannot afford to fall behind. We need to invest in quantum computing now to ensure a better future for our country and the world.