Standing on the Corner of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

The Rise and Fall of ChatGPT: A Lesson in AI Evolution

The Rise and Fall of ChatGPT: A Lesson in AI Evolution

Quantum Computing Inc: Assessing the Future Potential

Quantum Computing Inc: Assessing the Future Potential
Harry Kane Believes AI is the Future of Injury Prevention in Soccer
Harry Kane Believes AI is the Future of Injury Prevention in Soccer
The Future of Healthcare: Machine Learning Applications in Medicine
The Future of Healthcare: Machine Learning Applications in Medicine
Why Quantum Computing is the Future: A Quantum Computing Evangelist's Perspective
Why Quantum Computing is the Future: A Quantum Computing Evangelist's Perspective
Quantum Computing: The Future of IT Systems
Quantum Computing: The Future of IT Systems
Why Quantum Computing is the Future of Technology and Economy
Why Quantum Computing is the Future of Technology and Economy
Revolutionizing Fleet Management with Telematics and A.I. Dashcam
Revolutionizing Fleet Management with Telematics and A.I. Dashcam
Disrupting Fleet Management with Emerging Technologies
Disrupting Fleet Management with Emerging Technologies
Why Quantum Computing is the Future
Why Quantum Computing is the Future
Why Quantum Computing is the Future
Why Quantum Computing is the Future
Why AI in Marketing Technology is the Future: An Evangelist Perspective
Why AI in Marketing Technology is the Future: An Evangelist Perspective

whurley... or was it?

I'm a public speaker and published author on a mission to educate the world on the convergence of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence so we can turn what if into what is.